By accessing this website, you hereby consent to our site's privacy policy and Terms and Conditions. This is the terms of use agreement that governs your use of rentfree.live, its applications, and data. If you disagree to our terms, do not access rentfree.live and do not use our data.

General Terms

rentfree.live may change the terms and conditions at any time for any reason. Any changes we make will be announced to all users. If you do not agree to them, cease access to rentfree.live and do not use our data. rentfree.live does not provide any guarantee or warranty of the accuracy of any data. By accessing and using rentfree.live, you certify that you are over 13 years of age and have your legal guardian's permission. The data we provide is public information and is gathered from third-party sources. This data is collected, organized, and manipulated in many ways by rentfree.live.

Data Rights

- Sharing any data from rentfree.live is not allowed. - Mass copying data from this website in any way (through scraping, crawling, botting) is not allowed and will result in you getting blocked from accessing our site.

Statistical Data

In order to keep statistical data up to date, rentfree.live utilizes API services including and not limited to YouTube, Kick, and Rumble. We gather publically-available data from these services. We do not collect anything related to your accounts. By accessing any of our services with a registered account, you agree to the terms and conditions provided by these third-party services. If you do not agree to their terms, do not access rentfree.live and use any of our data.